DEA Administrator’s Role in Cannabis Rescheduling Decision Under Scrutiny

As the US federal government moves to reclassify cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule III, controversy surrounds the decision-making process. Kevin Sabet, co-founder of Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM), has made a shocking claim that DEA Administrator Anne Milgram did not sign the order to reschedule cannabis, breaking with decades of precedent and established law.

Sabet, a vocal opponent of cannabis reform, alleges that Milgram’s absence from the signing process is a significant deviation from standard protocol. He cites two confidential sources within the DEA and another outside the agency with intimate knowledge of the matter.

The DEA’s decision to reschedule cannabis follows a lengthy review process initiated by President Joe Biden in October 2022. The move has sparked debate on both sides of the cannabis legalization issue.

Milgram recently testified before Congress, declining to comment on the rescheduling decision due to the ongoing rulemaking process. Sabet has praised Milgram for “standing up for science and truth” and criticized the Biden Administration’s review process as “poisoned by political considerations.”

The rescheduling process now heads to the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review. However, the controversy surrounding Milgram’s role has raised questions about the integrity of the decision-making process.

Sabet, a former drug policy adviser to the White House, has been a vocal opponent of cannabis reform, claiming that cannabis use lowers IQ and increases the risk of psychosis. His organization, SAM, has been at odds with pro-cannabis legalization groups like the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) and the Drug Policy Alliance.

As the debate continues, the facts surrounding the rescheduling of cannabis remain unclear. With Milgram’s recent testimony and Sabet’s allegations, the next few weeks are likely to bring more revelations about the federal government’s decision to reclassify cannabis.


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