Bill Gates smoked weed in high school. Texas cannabis surpass wine. 58% of cultivators feel ‘bad’

Bill Gates smoked weed in high school. Texas cannabis surpass wine. 58% of cultivators feel ‘bad’

1. U.S. Lawmakers File Bill To Ease Federal Employment Restrictions On Cannabis Use
2. Illinois Cannabis Among Most Expensive Weed in America
3. Survey: 58% of Cultivators Feel Bad or Terrible About Current State of Cannabis
4. Portuguese Parliament Approves Decriminalization of Synthetic Drugs
5. Bill Gates Confesses to Seth Rogen He Smoked Weed in High School ‘To Be Cool’
6. North America Dominates Seed Market, Report Indicates
7. Border Officials Seize 2000 Pounds of Pot Disguised As Frozen Waffles
8. New Hampshire Commission To Study Cannabis Legalization
9. Texas Cannabis Companies Economic Impact Predicted To Surpass Wine


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