Cannabis Consumers Prioritize Pro-Weed Policies Over Party Lines, Poll Shows

When it comes to the upcoming 2024 presidential election, a significant portion of cannabis-consuming voters are putting reform policies ahead of party loyalty, according to a recent poll by telehealth platform NuggMD.

The national survey of 755 likely voters who use marijuana found that a staggering 59% would cast their ballot for a pro-cannabis candidate regardless of political affiliation. Only 14% indicated being firmly committed to their chosen party or candidate.

“This poll shows adopting pro-cannabis policies can move constituents into either party’s camp,” said Deb Tharp, NuggMD’s head of legal and policy research. “We’re talking about a large, rapidly evolving voting population.”

Among regular cannabis users, President Biden currently holds an edge over Donald Trump, the likely Republican nominee, at 43% versus 36%. However, both major parties have room for improvement on marijuana reform, as 68% feel Republicans want to “suppress legal cannabis,” while 40% say the same about Democrats.

Crucially, 88% of respondents believe understanding cannabis culture is essential for effective legislation, yet 73% feel elected officials currently lack such insights.

The results highlight an opportunity for Democratic candidates to gain ground by doubling down on pro-weed policies like decriminalization and expungement of cannabis offenses.

“Republicans are shooting themselves in the foot by embracing prohibition,” Tharp stated. “Democrats should expand their base by embracing full cannabis reform.”

She cited the upcoming Florida ballot measure to legalize adult-use marijuana as a prime example where the cannabis voter bloc could swing the outcome, given an estimated 2 million regular users in the state.

“If Democrats want to win seats, supporting legal cannabis is obvious,” Tharp concluded. “If Republicans want to keep theirs, they need to realize imprisoning people over weed is unacceptable when real issues need attention.”

The poll’s findings underscore the growing political prominence of the cannabis community, with reform transcending traditional party allegiances as public opinion continues evolving rapidly nationwide.


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